Darr; Skip to Main Content. Case din baloţi de paie. Proiecte în curs de derulare. Participări la târguri și expoziții. Proiectăm și construim case ecologice pasive cu un grad ridicat de eficiență energetică și confort, folosind tehnici inovatoare de construcţie bazate pe utilizarea materialelor naturale locale precum baloții de paie și argila. Propunem o varietate de soluţii de arhitectură ecologică și sustenabilă pentru construcții care asigură un mediu de viață plăcut și sănătos.
Poradnik budownictwa tradycyjnego w Izerach. Warsztaty Żywność i Energia 2013.
Zaktualizowaliśmy bazę informacji o członkach OSBN.
Ma on na celu informowanie, inspirowanie i dobrą zabawę związaną z budownictwem naturalnym. Dodatkowo pełni rolę naszego internetowego dziennika budowy. Sobota, 15 sierpnia 2015. Zastosowanie kwasu borowego w budowie domów ze słomy i gliny. Czym jest kwas borowy? Kwas .
Restoring Ecology Along The Urban Waterfront. Bronson Creek Floodplain Habitat Enhancement. Rhizome Blog and Leaf Litter. Helping to bring clean water to a primary school in Sierra Leone.
Nakd raw bars 35 gram. Omega3-fedtsyrer af højeste kvalitet samt aftenrose oile for. Vitamin B12 energy booster 25 ml.
The sign of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold. Two opposing ideas in the mind at the same time. And still retain the ability to function. Development - the successor to TWiki. The only 3D fighting game for the Super Nintendo.
Hypothetically Exhibition, Lafayette College. 8220;Men, let one of them die, another live, however their luck may run, Let Zeus decide. Virtualities and Realities Festival, RIXC. Reviving Drachma project showing at kim? Short tal.
Have been organizing annual BioHackathon since 2008, mainly focusing on standardization and interoperability of bioinformatics data and web services for improving integration, preservation and utilization of databases in life sciences. Has been successfully held in Tokyo and Morioka, Japan. BioHackathons have been hosted by DBCLS.